Psychological Action Thriller Titles
You Were Never Really Here – Lynne Ramsay

Written and directed by Lynne Ramsay and based on the Jonathan Ames book, You Were Never Really Here is a film staring Joaquin Phoenix as a traumatised mercenary hired to break a human trafficking network. It won awards for Best Screenplay and Best Actor at the Cannes Film Festival.

Having previously collaborated with Lynne on the title design for her debut feature film, Ratcatcher, I was approached once again to contribute to this dark yet visually stunning masterpiece. The film’s essence demanded a sequence that could effectively convey the protagonist’s troubled state of mind.

Lynne, always seeking creative surprises, found inspiration in a particular scene where a taxi driver silently mouths the film’s title, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. This served as the ideal backdrop to craft the captivating intro sequence. On the other hand, the end titles were designed to convey a more optimistic and satisfying conclusion to the film’s narrative.

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Film title sequences / Festival Posters

Intro film titles

End film titles

Journey beyond the ordinary
Vertu x Bentley

Having already worked for Vertu, they invited me to propose a film concept for the launch of their new Bentley Signature Touch handset. A collaboration with the luxury car brand, where buyers get a choice leather colours and 16 stitching options and a Bentley app, which gives access to exclusive content and events.

Vertu’s vision is the become regarded as the leading luxury mobile phone brand in the world and this film was an opportunity to reach a wider audience than it’s usual customer base.

Objectives for the film were, it needed to connect in an emotional and luxurious way, whilst portraying contemporary elegance and luxury performance materials

‘Journey beyond the ordinary – in a Bentley you arrive, in every sense of the word’. And with Vertu, you gain access to the world’s most exclusive destinations, at the touch of a button. The concept captured moments of arrival. Aesthetically warm, rich and deeply emotive. (All footage is existing.)

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Film title sequences / Festival Posters